year 1715造句


  1. Major fires occurred in the years 1715, 1719 and 1754.
  2. The first lighthouse was built around the year 1715.
  3. In addition, a chronological date for the Pirate is listed as the year 1715.
  4. James Smith was the first of the Quakers known to have settled in the area, arriving by the year 1715.
  5. In the western room wooden balcony can be found, above the peaked triumphal arch the year 1715 can be read.
  6. It's difficult to find year 1715 in a sentence. 用year 1715造句挺难的
  7. Thomas Coke, the future 1st Earl of Leicester and builder of Holkham Hall, Norfolk, acquired at least seven vedute by van Wittel during his Grand Tour in the years 1715 and 1716.
  8. During the years 1715-1717 governor Gagarin sent the Siberian treasures to Peter the Great four times . 250 ancient gold jewelry sent by Gagarin became known as the, which is now available in the State Hermitage at the gallery of jewels called 玊he Scythian Gold?
  9. In 1724 he anonymously published " An Essay on Scripture Prophecy, Wherein it is Endeavoured to Explain the three periods Contain'd in the Xii Chapter of the Prophet Daniel With some Arguments to make it Probable that the FIRST of the PERIODS did Expire in the Year 1715 ".
  10. By the year 1715, the rapier had been largely replaced by the lighter smallsword throughout most of Europe, although treatments of the former continued to be included by authors such as Donald McBane ( 1728 ), P . J . F . Girard ( 1736 ) and Domenico Angelo ( 1763 ).
  11. By the year 1715, the rapier had been largely replaced by the lighter small sword throughout most of Europe, although the former continued to be used, as evidenced by the treatises of Donald McBane ( 1728 ), P . J . F . Girard ( 1736 ) and Domenico Angelo ( 1787 ).


  1. "year 1710"造句
  2. "year 1711"造句
  3. "year 1712"造句
  4. "year 1713"造句
  5. "year 1714"造句
  6. "year 1716"造句
  7. "year 1717"造句
  8. "year 1718"造句
  9. "year 1719"造句
  10. "year 172"造句

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